the organic marketing, or “OM” approach:
Art is not just about making things look nice. Art is an expression of ideas that turns them inside out for the world to see. loft43 does not try to cover up a bad product in a pretty package. I search to find what is appealing and make that the source of inspiration for a multifaceted approach engraved in every marketing decision.
Loft43 has an organic, genuine, cohesive, intelligent, intuitive and innovative approach that accentuates an innate competitive advantage.
In nature, the butterfly represents not just unique beauty, but an intriguing process with a very attractive end (or goal).
It’s true, shiny and colorful can initially spark the senses. But, if what is at the core has no substance, eventually intuition and common sense kick in and your customers will look elsewhere.
Thorough analysis of the product, service, brand, culture, environment, vision and current strategies to create a customized approach from scratch .
The Loft43 Studio is just that - a place without the cookie-cutter, cut and paste marketing style so often utilized in today’s fast environment.
At the core of Loft43 is the idea that no two brands are the same. Therefore, no two brands should be wrapped in the same box except with a different color ribbon. Our mission is not wrap things in a box at all but to highlight what sets the brand apart (no pretty cover-up packaging required).
sustainable marketing & tough love ...
Consultation with Loft43 is honest. This sometimes means hearing what you did – did not work. But what does work in business is looking back to see what went wrong and using that analysis to develop a unique, on-purpose, and step-by-step approach that makes sense for you and your budget.
Creative marketing is not just about the best images or slogans, it’s about bringing out the best your brand has to offer in the most effective, compelling and direct manner with a minimal economic and environmental footprint.